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Vegas Wedding Anyone?

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Moonlighting Photography

Okay so clearly Vegas is smack dab in the middle of DESERT and would not really be the place for an oceanside bride, however there are plenty-o-gorgeous pools that one might consider using for a poolside wedding bash! Vegas is getting ready to host many 09/09/09 wedding this year.  They’ve seen 07/07/07 and 08/08/08 come and go and have yet another date to prepare for. Hotels like the Venetian, Mandalay Bay, and Bellagio have set wedding package prices ranging from $1000-5000, most including music, flowers, ceremony officiant, a room for the bride & groom, and some even include photography!  I’ve already come to my wedding planning point where I just want to run off to Vegas and get married NOW, but when I’ve joked with the mom’s a few times about it I get the mean face. Ha ha! That’s expected and no we won’t do that.  It’s important we include all our friends and family in the celebration.  But for those thinking about it, check out Destination Weddings & Honeymoons for more info!